Terms and Conditions

§1. Definities / Begripsbepalingen
Elk natuurlijk of rechtspersoon aan wie Marcel Hoekstra een aanbieding doet tot het leveren van goederen of diensten of aanneming van werkzaamheden alsmede degene met wie een overeenkomst wordt gesloten tot het leveren van goederen of diensten. Overeenkomst: Iedere overeenkomst waarop deze algemene voorwaarden van toepassing zijn.
1.1 – Deze voorwaarden zijn, met uitsluiting van voorwaarden van derden, toepasselijk op alle leveringen van goederen of diensten van Marcel Hoekstra aan de Klant, alsmede de alle daarop betrekking hebbende overeenkomsten en rechtshandelingen.
1.2 – Indien enige bepaling van deze algemene voorwaarden of de overeenkomst niet rechtsgeldig is, zullen partijen over de inhoud van een nieuwe bepaling onderhandelen, welke bepaling de inhoud van de oorspronkelijke bepaling zo dicht mogelijk benadert.

§2. Offertes
2.1 – Alle aanbiedingen (offertes) van Marcel Hoekstra . zijn vrijblijvend, tenzij door Marcel Hoekstra schriftelijk uitdrukkelijk anders is aangeduid.
2.2 – Indien een aanbieding (offerte) van Marcel Hoekstra door de Klant wordt aanvaard, dan heeft Marcel Hoekstra het recht om het aanbod of de offerte binnen veertien werkdagen na ontvangst van de aanvaarding te herroepen.

§3. Prijzen & Tarieven &
3.1 – Indien prijzen en tarieven van prijsbepalende factoren, zoals lonen, materialen, valutawisselingen, een verhoging ondergaan, door welke oorzaak dan ook, is Marcel Hoekstra gerechtigd de prijs of het tarief overeenkomstig te verhogen.
3.2 – Indien op verzoek van, of in overleg met, de klant niet in de oorspronkelijke opdracht of orderbevestiging opgenomen werkzaamheden worden verricht, zullen daaruit voortvloeiende kosten tegen op dat tijdstip geldende prijzen of tarieven door Marcel Hoekstra in rekening worden gebracht.

§4. Levering
4.1 – Door Marcel Hoekstra opgegeven levertijden zullen nimmer zijn te beschouwen als een fatale termijn. Bij niet tijdige levering dient Marcel Hoekstra schriftelijk, dan wel elektronisch, binnen 14 dagen in gebreke te worden gesteld waarbij Marcel Hoekstra nog een redelijke termijn tot aflevering moet worden geboden.
4.2 – Marcel Hoekstra is gerechtigd nieuwe leveranties uit te stellen, totdat de klant aan al zijn openstaande betalingsverplichtingen jegens Marcel Hoekstra heeft voldaan en de klant van de openstaande betalingsverplichtingen op de hoogte is gebracht.
4.3 – Marcel Hoekstra levert het product binnen 5 werkdagen na het ontvangen van de betaling

§5. Vertrouwelijkheid
Alle informatie in welke vorm dan ook, door Marcel Hoekstra aan de klant verstrekt, is uitsluitend bestemd voor intern gebruik door de klant. Deze informatie mag voor geen andere doeleinden worden aangewend dan het doel waarvoor de levering is geschied. Deze informatie zal door de klant als streng vertrouwelijk worden behandeld.

§6. Betaling
6.1 – De op de bankafschriften van Marcel Hoekstra aangegeven valutadag is bepalend en wordt als dag van betaling aangemerkt.
6.2 – De klant is niet gerechtigd tot verrekening van hetgeen Marcel Hoekstra van hem te vorderen heeft met hetgeen hij meent op Marcel Hoekstra te vorderen te hebben.

§7. Intellectueel Eigendom
7.1 – Alle intellectuele eigendomsrechten op het geleverde berusten bij Marcel Hoekstra . Het is de klant daarom niet toegestaan de werken van Marcel Hoekstra , die door deze rechten zijn beschermd, zonder toestemming van Marcel Hoekstra te gebruiken, anders dan in het kader van het normale, door de overeenkomst voorziene gebruik. Voor dit normale gebruik verleent Marcel Hoekstra aan de klant een niet-exclusieve, niet-overdraagbare licentie, onder de voorwaarden zoals in de overeenkomst en deze Algemene Voorwaarden gesteld. Deze licentie wordt niet (mede) verleend aan met de klant gelieerde ondernemingen of instellingen tenzij anders schriftelijk overeengekomen.
7.2 – Indien de klant inbreuk maakt op de intellectuele eigendomsrechten van Marcel Hoekstra en/of derden, dan is de klant voor alle daaruit voortkomende schade aansprakelijk.
7.3 – De klant vrijwaart Marcel Hoekstra tegen iedere aansprakelijkheid wegens (vermeende) inbreuk op die rechten. In voorkomende gevallen heeft Marcel Hoekstra het recht de levering aan de klant op te schorten totdat duidelijkheid is verkregen over de gestelde inbreuk.

§8. Afname
8.1 – De klant is verplicht aan de levering mee te werken, alsmede het geleverde in ontvangst te nemen. Bij gebreke van afname van het geleverde door de klant, behoudt Marcel Hoekstra zich het recht voor eventueel daaraan verbonden kosten door te berekenen aan de klant.
8.2 – Voor zover door Marcel Hoekstra geleverde diensten/goederen dienen te worden geïnstalleerd op hardware die door de klant ter beschikking wordt gesteld, dient deze hardware steeds te voldoen aan alle technische vereisten die daaraan door Marcel Hoekstra zijn gesteld, en ook aan de in het normale verkeer daaraan gestelde vereisten.

§1. Definitions / Terminology
Any natural or legal person to whom Marcel Hoekstra makes an offer to supply goods or services or contract work, as well as the person with whom an agreement is concluded to supply goods or services. Agreement: Any agreement to which these general terms and conditions apply.
1.1 – These conditions, with the exclusion of third-party conditions, apply to all deliveries of goods or services from Marcel Hoekstra to the Customer, as well as all related agreements and legal acts.
1.2 – If any provision of these general terms and conditions or the agreement is not legally valid, the parties will negotiate the content of a new provision, which provision approaches the content of the original provision as closely as possible.

§2. Quotations
2.1 – All offers (quotations) from Marcel Hoekstra . are without obligation, unless expressly indicated otherwise in writing by Marcel Hoekstra.
2.2 – If an offer (quotation) from Marcel Hoekstra is accepted by the Client, Marcel Hoekstra has the right to revoke the offer or quotation within fourteen working days after receipt of the acceptance.

§3. Prices & Rates &
3.1 – If prices and rates of price-determining factors, such as wages, materials, currency exchange, undergo an increase, for whatever reason, Marcel Hoekstra is entitled to increase the price or rate accordingly.
3.2 – If, at the request of, or in consultation with, the customer, activities are not included in the original order or order confirmation, the resulting costs will be charged by Marcel Hoekstra at the prices or rates applicable at that time.

§4. Delivery
4.1 – Delivery times specified by Marcel Hoekstra can never be regarded as strict deadlines. In the event of late delivery, Marcel Hoekstra must be given notice of default in writing or electronically within 14 days, whereby Marcel Hoekstra must still be offered a reasonable term for delivery.
4.2 – Marcel Hoekstra is entitled to postpone new deliveries until the customer has fulfilled all his outstanding payment obligations towards Marcel Hoekstra and the customer has been informed of the outstanding payment obligations.
4.3 – Marcel Hoekstra delivers the product within 5 working days after receiving payment

§5. Confidentiality
All information, in whatever form, provided to the customer by Marcel Hoekstra, is exclusively intended for internal use by the customer. This information may not be used for any other purpose than the purpose for which the delivery was made. This information will be treated as strictly confidential by the customer.

§6. Payment
6.1 – The value date indicated on Marcel Hoekstra’s bank statements is decisive and is regarded as the day of payment.
6.2 – The customer is not entitled to offset what Marcel Hoekstra has to claim from him against what he believes he has to claim from Marcel Hoekstra.

§7. Intellectual property
7.1 – All intellectual property rights to the delivered goods are vested in Marcel Hoekstra. The customer is therefore not permitted to use the works of Marcel Hoekstra, which are protected by these rights, without permission from Marcel Hoekstra, other than in the context of normal use provided for by the agreement. Marcel Hoekstra grants the customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable license for this normal use, under the conditions as stated in the agreement and these General Terms and Conditions. This license is not (partly) granted to companies or institutions affiliated with the customer unless otherwise agreed in writing.
7.2 – If the customer infringes the intellectual property rights of Marcel Hoekstra and/or third parties, the customer is liable for all resulting damage.
7.3 – The customer indemnifies Marcel Hoekstra against any liability for (alleged) infringement of those rights. Where appropriate, Marcel Hoekstra has the right to suspend delivery to the customer until clarity has been obtained about the alleged infringement.

§8. Decrease
8.1 – The customer is obliged to cooperate with the delivery, as well as to receive the delivered goods. In the absence of acceptance of the delivered goods by the customer, Marcel Hoekstra reserves the right to pass on any associated costs to the customer.
8.2 – Insofar as services/goods supplied by Marcel Hoekstra must be installed on hardware made available by the customer, this hardware must always meet all technical requirements set by Marcel Hoekstra, as well as the normal traffic requirements.

8.3 – In cases such as those referred to in this article, Marcel Hoekstra does not consider itself liable for any damage suffered by or towards the customer or third parties.

§9. confidentiality
9.1 – The customer is aware that the goods delivered by Marcel Hoekstra contain confidential information and trade secrets of Marcel Hoekstra and the customer undertakes not to disclose or use the delivered confidential information and trade secrets to any third parties. The customer will instruct his staff accordingly and will ensure that only those of his employees take note of the delivered goods where this is required by virtue of their work for the customer.
9.2 – Marcel Hoekstra is obliged to observe secrecy towards third parties with regard to the information provided to it by the customer and to regard it as confidential. Marcel Hoekstra will instruct its staff accordingly and will ensure that only those of its employees take note of the activities and data of the customer where this is necessary for Marcel Hoekstra’s work.
9.3 – Marcel Hoekstra and the customer guarantee that all information received from each other that is known or should be known to be of a confidential nature will remain secret, unless a legal obligation prohibits disclosure of that information. The party receiving confidential information will only use it for the purpose for which it was provided. Information is in any case considered confidential if it has been designated as such by the parties.

§10. Prohibition of transfer
The rights and obligations arising from the agreement may not be transferred by the customer to third parties.

§11. Non-takeover personnel
During the term of the agreement and one year after the termination of the agreement, the customer will not employ or employ any personnel who are employed by Marcel Hoekstra or who otherwise perform work for Marcel Hoekstra, unless otherwise stated. agreed with Marcel Hoekstra. In the event of a violation of this provision, the customer will owe an immediate and non-compensable fine of EUR 25,000 per event.

§12. Force of the majority
Neither Marcel Hoekstra nor the customer is obliged to fulfill any obligation if he is prevented from doing so as a result of force majeure. Force majeure also includes failures in telecommunication connections (including the Internet), power failures, failures in Marcel Hoekstra’s equipment, failure to properly comply with obligations of suppliers prescribed to Marcel Hoekstra by the customer, as well as defective goods. , materials, third-party software, the use of which has been prescribed to Marcel Hoekstra by the customer.

§13. Liability
13.1 – Marcel Hoekstra is not liable for damage suffered by the customer, of whatever nature, arising in connection with the delivered goods, unless that damage was caused by intent or gross negligence on the part of Marcel Hoekstra. In any case, intent or gross negligence does not include damage suffered by the customer or a third party as a result of inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information contained in the delivered information.
13.2 – The customer is aware of the limitations and risks of using the internet or any other medium with which the delivered goods are made available now and in the future. He is also familiar with the risks of digitally storing and transferring information, including the loss of data. The customer accepts that Marcel Hoekstra is not liable for any damage resulting from the risks described above.
13.3 – Damage that, in the opinion of the customer, is the result of intent or gross negligence on the part of Marcel Hoekstra, must be reported to Marcel Hoekstra in writing as soon as possible, but no later than thirty (30) days after its occurrence. Damage that is not reported to Marcel Hoekstra within this period will only be eligible for compensation if the customer has made it plausible that he was unable to report the damage earlier.
13.4 – If and insofar as Marcel Hoekstra is liable due to an attributable shortcoming in the fulfillment of the agreement, this liability is limited to compensation for direct damage up to a maximum of the amount of the price stipulated for that agreement (excl. VAT) for the duration of one calendar year. However, in no case will the total compensation for direct damage exceed EUR 5,000.
13.5 – Any liability of Marcel Hoekstra for trading loss or other indirect damage, including lost profit, lost savings, loss of data, time invested by the customer itself or costs of third parties engaged without the prior written consent of Marcel Hoekstra, is expressly excluded.

§14. Change
14.1 – Marcel Hoekstra has the right to unilaterally change these general terms and conditions. Changes also apply to agreements already concluded. Changes take effect one month after notification in writing. 14.2 – After the time of entry into force, the customer is deemed to have accepted the changes – tacitly.

§15. Applicable law and competent court
15.1 – Dutch law applies to the agreement.
15.2 – The court in Alkmaar has exclusive jurisdiction over other courts to rule on disputes arising from the agreement.